Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What's Happening?

Hello readers and friends.

Normally I don't post this sort of update because, well, it's personal and I try no to bring personal stuff to the blog, which is supposed to be about celebrating our wonderful hobby.

But recently I have received several emails from various sources and friends asking why I have not posted any updates for a long time now.

Unfortunately, over the last month I have been suffering from a major health issue which prevented me from actually doing any hobby related work. I won't go into the details, except to say there have been many frustrating  and often painful things I've had to endure as a result of what's going on. But the biggest frustration has been my inability to do my hobby, or even do such basic things as read a book, which is actually something I rely on to help me deal with stress.

Things are starting to return to normal, but I am still unable to actively pursue my hobby goals. Hopefully I will be back up and running by the end of August and I hope all will be back on track soon.

Thanks for your patience, and for those who emailed me privately, your concern for my well being.

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